Poster Design

The Souvenir is a 2019 film directed by English writer-director Joanna Hogg. It is a personal portrait of the artist as a young woman, combining passionate emotions and exquisite aesthetics into a lush, dreamlike story of young adulthood and first love.
This is a personal project. No content here was commissioned.
《纪念品》是2019年由英国导演Joanna Hogg执导的一部自传性电影。故事取材于导演年轻时代的经历,是一段深情而懵懂的时光。

Title Design
The Souvenir has left a strong impression on me among other films in 2019. It's deeply personal and delicate. There is actually an intense storyline yet when you watch you will feel nothing but calm and soft. Hogg didn't judge anyone or anything, she was just presenting a memory of youth with the most tenderness.​​​​​​​
DVD Cover
Motion Poster 动态海报



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