A Little Life is a novel written by Hanya Yanagihara. The novel follows the lives of four friends in New York City from college through to middle-age. It focuses particularly on Jude, a lawyer with a mysterious past, ambiguous ethnicity, and unexplained health issues.
I decided to redesign the cover of A Little Life after I finished the book. Despite its significant length, I found myself couldn't stop reading it. The subject matter is quite dark, and initially I indeed planned to create a dark color cover. However when I finish the illustration, I found the white version is very much compelling.
The illustration image is a wrinkled bed sheet that looks like mountains. In the novel, bed is an intimate and important place for the main character.
The wrinkles and the mountainous shapes represent all the difficult, unspeakable, heavy stories that happened to the characters.
This is a personal project. No content here was commissioned.